Crystal Lewis - En Jesucristo Lyrics

En Jesucristo Lyrics

En Jesucristo se halla la paz
en horas negras de tempestad
tienes las almas dulce solaz
grato consuelo, felicidad

gloria cantemos al redentor
que por nosotros quiso morir
y que la gracia del salvador
siempre dirija nuestro vivir

cuando en la lucha falta la fe
y el alma vese desfallecer
Cristo nos dice: "Siempre os dare
gracia divina, santo poder"

gloria cantemos al redentor
que por nosotros quiso morir
y que la gracia del salvador
siempre dirija nuestro vivir
gloria cantemos al redentor
que por nosotros quiso morir
y que la gracia del salvador
siempre dirija nuestro vivir

En Jesucristo Video

En Jesucristo Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"En Jesucristo" by Crystal Lewis is a powerful Christian song that conveys a message of peace and consolation found in Jesus Christ.

1. Introduction to the Song

The song begins with the lines, "En Jesucristo se halla la paz, en horas negras de tempestad" which translates to "In Jesus Christ, peace is found, in dark hours of storm." These lines immediately set the tone of the song, emphasizing the source of peace and solace in difficult times.

2. Finding Peace in Jesus Christ

The next lines, "tienes las almas dulce solaz, grato consuelo, felicidad" which means "you have sweet solace, pleasant comfort, happiness for souls," further highlight the comforting presence of Jesus Christ. The song emphasizes that true peace and happiness can only be found in Him.

3. Glory to the Redeemer

The chorus of the song exclaims, "gloria cantemos al redentor, que por nosotros quiso morir" which translates to "let us sing glory to the Redeemer, who wanted to die for us." This line acknowledges Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and praises Him for His redemptive work.

4. Seeking God's Grace

The next verse of the song says, "cuando en la lucha falta la fe, y el alma vese desfallecer, Cristo nos dice: 'Siempre os daré, gracia divina, santo poder'" which means "when faith is lacking in the fight and the soul feels faint, Christ tells us: 'I will always give you divine grace, holy power.'" These lines highlight the importance of seeking God's grace and His empowering presence in times of weakness and struggle.

5. The Guidance of the Savior's Grace

The song continues with the chorus, reminding us that the grace of the Savior should always direct our lives. It states, "que la gracia del salvador siempre dirija nuestro vivir" which translates to "may the grace of the Savior always direct our lives." This line emphasizes the need to surrender to God's guidance and allow His grace to lead us in every aspect of our lives.

6. Conclusion and Reflection

The song concludes with a repetition of the chorus, emphasizing the glory and redemptive work of the Savior. It calls for continuous praise and surrender to Him, acknowledging that He is the ultimate source of peace, comfort, and guidance.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song

"En Jesucristo" carries a powerful message of finding peace, solace, and guidance in Jesus Christ. It reminds us that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found in Him. The song encourages listeners to seek God's grace, especially in times of weakness and struggle, and to allow His divine power to lead their lives.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced back to the teachings of the Bible. The lyrics reflect the biblical truth that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and that true joy and contentment can only be found in Him (Psalm 16:11). The song also draws from the biblical concept of relying on God's grace and seeking His guidance in all aspects of life (2 Corinthians 12:9, Proverbs 3:5-6).

Critical Analysis and Biblical Foundation

When analyzing the biblical foundation of the song, it is evident that the main messages align with the teachings of Scripture. The emphasis on finding peace, solace, and happiness in Jesus Christ is consistent with biblical passages that speak of Him as the source of true peace (John 14:27) and the one who provides rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30).

The call to seek God's grace and rely on His power in times of weakness and struggle is in line with biblical teachings on grace and the sufficiency of Christ's strength in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). The song's emphasis on surrendering to God's guidance reflects the biblical exhortation to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Overall, "En Jesucristo" by Crystal Lewis carries a biblical foundation and conveys messages that align with the teachings of Scripture. It encourages listeners to find peace, solace, and guidance in Jesus Christ and to rely on His grace and power in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, "En Jesucristo" is a powerful Christian song that reminds us of the peace, solace, and guidance found in Jesus Christ. Its lyrics convey biblical truths and encourage listeners to seek God's grace and surrender to His leading. May this song serve as a reminder of the abundant blessings we have in Christ and inspire us to live our lives in accordance with His will.

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